Monday, December 17, 2007

Certificated Food Safety Training delivered in Polish

The first registered approved Polish REHIS trainer in Scotland is now available to deliver certificated courses throughout the UK. Our trainer has exceptional qualifications with a Masters degree in Food Science and Technology. Delivery of these courses in the native language is very important for a successful training outcome. The re affirming of key points and the ability for delegates to question in their own language is fundamental in successful training. With issue 5 of the BRC standard launching, training standards will be forced to improve. Outsource Solution Ltd are in a position provide quality training in English and Polish. Please contact us with you requirements on 01506 631254 or at

Sunday, September 02, 2007

On line hygiene training English Polish and Slovakian versions

Outsource Solution Ltd is to launch a new on line training service. The service will launch with a basic hygiene course which will be available in English, Polish and Slovakian. There is a secure, individual log on and at the end of the course there is a formal on line assessment. There is an immediate feed back to the candidate of their result and this is followed up by a qualification certificate. We will keep you posted on this blog when the site will be launched which is likely to be October or November. This will be a cost effective way of training staff to a recognised, verified standard. It will be an ideal way for providing hygiene refresher training and complying with the requirements of BRC. The resource will be up dated regularly so that the content remains current. Contact us on or 0044 1506 631254 or visit out web site at .

Saturday, September 01, 2007

HACCP, BRC and Microbiology Training

The next British Retail Consortium, Awareness and Internal Auditing Course is running on the 19th and 20th September at the Livingston Training Centre, Livingston, West Lothian.
The course can be taken as a one day British Retail Consortium awareness course or a two day Internal Auditing course. The cost is £285 per delegate for one day and £550 for the 2 day course. This course is BRC Certificated, Approved Training Provider No 098.

The next Food Microbiology – Understanding your results is running on the 12th October.
This course is suitable for Quality or Technical Managers, Internal Auditors and Technical Support staff. The course is aimed at fulfilling the requirements of the BRC global standard Food Issue 4 in areas such as Process and Hygiene validation and new product development. In particular, the course aims to equip delegates with the appropriate knowledge to document suitable non conformances and corrective actions in relation to microbiological results.
Course Length 1 day. Cost £200 per person.

The next RIPH Intermediate HACCP course will be running 22nd and 23rd October at the Livingston Training Centre, Livingston, West Lothian.

This Intermediate HACCP course is certificated and marked by the Royal Institute of Public Health. The course runs over 2 days and there is a 2 hour exam at the end.

The HACCP course Includes:-
2 Full days training
Registration and Certification by RIPH (Royal Institute of Public Health)
Course Book- Intermediate HACCP by Carol A Wallace and other resource materials
Training using the Full Highfield HACCP resource materials and power point projection slides
Workshop Activities in all Principles
RIPH examination paper

The cost for the course is £450.00 per delegate.

Let us know your requirements

contact us at or phone 01506631254

Thursday, August 09, 2007

BRC and HACCP training

The next Food Safety training courses in Scotland delivered by Outsource Solution Ltd are the following:-

BRC awareness 19th September
BRC Internal Auditing 20th September (require to attend awareness day to be BRC
RIPH Intermediate HACCP 22nd and 23rd October

The courses will be run at the Livingston training centre. Please contact us for more details at or telephone 01506 631254. We will be happy to provide you with a quote and discounts are available based on the number of delegates and the number of days training requested.

For more information about Outsource Solution please visit

The training is of the highest standard and is delivered by our BRC certification auditor.

Posted by Duncan Perry

Monday, April 23, 2007

RIPH Intermediate HACCP

The next RIPH Intermediate HACCP course will be running 31st May and 1st June at the Livingston Training Centre, Livingston, West Lothian.

This Intermediate HACCP course is certificated and marked by the Royal Institute of Public Health. The course runs over 2 days and there is a 2 hour exam at the end.

The HACCP course Includes:-
2 Full days training
Registration and Certification by RIPH (Royal Institute of Public Health)
Course Book- Intermediate HACCP by Carol A Wallace and other resource materials
Training using the Full Highfield HACCP resource materials and power point projection slides
Workshop Activities in all Principles
RIPH examination paper

The cost for the course is £400.00 per delegate.

The BRC Awareness Training (BRC Certificated) is running on the 15th May at the same venue. There are places left and a discount is available for those who already possess a copy of the standard and for multi delegate bookings. Let us know your requirements.

You can contact us:-
01506 631254
0796 227 4446

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

British Retail Consortium Internal Auditing and Awareness Training in Scotland

Outsource Solution Ltd are running their next British Retail Consortium Global Standard Food training courses in May 07:-

These are:-

How to Implement the BRC Standard (Issue 4), 1 day course, 15th May 07

Internal Auditor Training, 2 day course, 8th and 9th May 07

The courses are running in the Livingston training Centre.

More information about the courses can be found on or contact us directly and we will forward details by email.

Our BRC certification details can be found on the following link

The cost for these courses is £650 and £375 respectively although discounts are available when you send more than one delegate. A copy of the BRC standard and lunch is included.

If you would like to send a delegate please contact Duncan on or telephone 01506 631254.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

BRC Training in Scotland

British Retail Consortium Training is now available locally in Scotland. Outsource Solution Ltd have recently become approved by BRC to deliver BRC Certificated Training Courses. Training will be provided internationally also as required.

The courses available are:-

BRC awareness training

Internal Auditing


Duncan Perry, a Microbiologist by training, is the trainer and he is a BRC auditor with 18 years experience of food manufacturing. His experience provides valuable training that ensures you have a maximum benefit from the courses.
Please contact us if you have a training requirement on or 0044 1506 631254 or visit out web site .

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

BRC approved training

Outsource Solution Ltd is the first Scottish company to be approved to provide BRC certificated training in British Retail Consortium Global Standard Food Awareness Training, Internal Auditing and HACCP.

These courses are globally recognised and fulfil any requirement of a Food Quality Management System and are certificated by BRC.

Please contact us if you have any of the above training requirements. Training can be provided out with the UK.

01506 631254
0796 227 4446

SALSA and Organic auditing

Duncan Perry of Outsource Solution Ltd has been approved by the Institute of Food Science and Technology as one of the first 7 approved auditors for the newly launched SALSA scheme. The Small and Local Supplier Approval (SALSA) scheme is designed to verify supplier status of small producers through a 3rd party audit. It is expected that this will fulfil the requirements of retailers, wholesalers and caterers for their supplier approval process and their own Food Quality Management Systems. Approval under this scheme will be a valuable tool to grow small businesses into new markets and be a good validation of their systems.

Both auditing and mentoring services are provided. Please contact us for more details.

Duncan has also just been registered as an approved Organic Processor auditor by DEFRA and can undertake complex processing audits for approval under the SOPA organic standard.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Food Graduate into Business

Food Graduate into Business

A great opportunity exists for graduates to work within 2 food companies consecutively to progress their Quality Management systems to achieve British Retail Consortium Global Standard Food Certification. The project is mentored by Scottish Enterprise and Outsource Solution Ltd to provide the graduate and the businesses all the necessary support to achieve a successful outcome.

The project is aimed at businesses that may have not employed a Quality or Technical function in the past but now see a requirement and / or cannot justify the employment of a full time individual.

The graduate gains the necessary industry experience and the significant achievement of potentially achieving 2 BRC certifications in one year and, therefore, secured employment for the future. The Food Company can benefit from the certification and all the associated commercial benefits as well as the cost saving of sharing a graduate. Throughout this arrangement, however, both graduate and Company have the significant support of years of experience from the mentors.

This model has been successfully introduced at the start of the year and we are now in a position to match more suitable graduates and more Companies.

If you are a Food Science Graduate (or related discipline) or a Food Manufacturer who think they may benefit from this scheme, please contact Duncan Perry, email; or phone 01506 631254 to express interest or request further information.

Food Safety and BRC Training

The next round of HACCP, food hygiene, microbiology and BRC Global Standard Food training courses will run at the end of April 07. Please contact Duncan, or phone 0796 227 4446 to let us know your requirements.

The recent food microbiology course run in Elgin organised by the Scottish Bakery Training Council was a great success. Comments included: 'Good pace and content - Relaxed but informative good interaction', 'Enjoyed course - lot of interaction with presenter / delegates' and ' Lots of valuable discussion + information'.

The HACCP includes RIPH intermediate and REHIS introductory training, REHIS Food Hygiene training and non certificated Microbiology, BRC awarenes and internal auditing courses.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Food Safety Training 2007

2007 Food Safety Training.

The next course for the RIPH Intermediate HACCP training course is 17th and 18th January at the Livingston Training Centre. There are some very last minute places left.

The following courses will be running in April 2007:-
RIPH Intermediate HACCP
British Retail Consortium Global Standard Food Issue 4 Awareness Training
Internal Auditing
Food Microbiology

Dates are to be set in the next 2 weeks, however, if you wish to express interest in the meantime please email us at the following with your requirements:-

The dates will be posted on this site.

Introductory REHIS HACCP and Elementary REHIS Food Hygiene Training are also available on request.