Monday, December 08, 2008

Food Safety Courses January 2009

Forth Coming Food Safety Courses for January 2009

13th and 14th January RIPH certificated Intermediate HACCP
This course gives excellent practical training on the HACCP principles and their application. The course is filled with a mix of theory and workshops facilitating any delegate to approach future HACCP projects with confidence. An exam at the end ensures that the delegate can demonstrate competency through independent certification. The course is ideal for anyone who is part of a HACCP team, including team leaders.

26th and 27th January RIPH certificated Intermediate Food Hygiene
This course is designed for individuals who are in Quality or Supervisory roles. This course provides the delegate with an excellent understanding of Food Safety allowing them to assess procedures, practices and incidents.

28th January Food Microbiology Course
This course is suitable for Quality or Technical Managers, Internal Auditors and Technical Support staff. The course is aimed at fulfilling the requirements of the BRC global standard Food Issue 5 in areas such as Process (HACCP) and Hygiene validation and new product development. In particular, the course aims to equip delegates with the appropriate knowledge to validate their HACCP plans, including the identification of appropriate organisms of concern and acceptable levels.

23rd February BRC Issue 5 Update course
Course Content
· The Standards development
· In depth review of the Standard
· Standard interpretation
· The protocol and certification process
· Interactive workshops with case studies

24th February BRC Internal Auditing Course
Course Content
· Internal Auditing
· Standard interpretation
· Interactive workshops with case studies

March (date to be set) Food Labelling NEW
Course Content
· Nutritional labelling
· Weight declarations
· Product claims
· Preservatives / Allergens
· Trace and durability coding

All the courses will be held at our training suite just 2 minutes from junction 4 of the M8. It is easy to find and there is ample free parking.

Please contact us if any of the above courses are of interest or if you would like further information and a quotation.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Training Suite available for hire

Our new training facillity is an ideal environment with all the training resources required. We have created this to deliver our own training courses, however, we have the capacity to hire the unit out to others for a similar purpose. Catering and beveridges are available. Full audio visual facillities have been fitted and includes:-

Laptop projector (with backup Bulb)
Projector linked Audio System
7 ft X 5 ft Vutec projector screen
Panasonic 5 ft X 3.5 ft white board with double display and printer
Flip chart
Secondary projection screen

The site is very easy to find without the requirement to travel through a city or town to the venue and there is plenty of free parking. Address:-
Unit 3, Outsource Solution Ltd
Evans Easyspace
Easter Inch, Bathgate, EH48 2EH

You will find this a very competitive solution in an ideal training / meeting environment.
Email us with your requirements.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

BRC and Food safety training

The next courses have now been scheduled. These will now take place at our new training suite. Due to its location, there is no requirement to navigate through any towns once on the motorway network and there is plenty of free parking. This is within a new build site and has been furnished to a high standard with excellent audio visual presentation facilities.

The forth coming course are:-

BRC Implementation 8th and 9th October

This is the BRC certificated 2 day Implementation course. The course covers the full standard requirements including:-The Standards development, HACCP, An in depth review of the standard, Interpretation and guidelines, The protocol and certification process, Report writing and management reporting, Interactive workshops and case studies, An optional examination to demonstrate competence in the standard and its application. An attendance certificate is also available.
A free copy of the BRC standard is now included. The course costs £650 plus VAT. If you already have a copy of the standard and do not require us to supply a copy, a 10% discount will apply.

RIPH Certificated Intermediate HACCP 16th and 17th October.

This is the RIPH registered and certificated course. Included is a detailed understanding of the HACCP principles and 12 logical steps,
Practical implementation of a HACCP plan,
Course book- Intermediate HACCP by Carol Wallace,

Rapid supervised workshop activities which assists with implementation and a successful examination outcome.

The course costs £450.00 plus VAT..

Courses that will be running shortly are
BRC update (1day course),
Intermediate Food hygiene,
Introductory HACCP,
Microbiology (including allergens) course.
Please let us know if any of the above is of interest, if you require any further information, or if you would like to book any places.


Our complete our online form by following this link:-

Monday, September 22, 2008

Melamine Scare

By Dan Martin AFP - Monday, September 22 09:00 am
BEIJING (AFP) - China's tainted milk scandal spiralled into uncharted territory Monday as authorities said nearly 53,000 children had been sickened and more countries moved to ban or recall Chinese dairy imports.
update of previous figures, the health ministry said a total of 52,857 children were taken to hospital after drinking milk thought to have been contaminated by the industrial chemical melamine.
Most had "basically recovered" but 12,892 of them remained in hospital, a health ministry official told AFP.
Joining a clutch of other countries, Taiwan said it was banning all Chinese milk products with immediate notice, regardless of brand, because of consumer concerns.
"There is no timeframe for the ban," said Wang Chih-chao, an official with the Department of Health, but said milk products already on the shelves after passing safety tests would not be removed.
Meanwhile retailers in Hong Kong said they were pulling more milk products off their shelves after samples tested positive for melamine.
Melamine, normally used in making plastics, was first found in infant milk formula in Chinese markets but has since been detected in a range of products with dairy ingredients both in China and abroad.
The discovery, the latest in a series of scandals to tarnish the reputation of Chinese products, has led to mass recalls and a Chinese government campaign to tighten quality inspections across the dairy sector.
Three children have died and 104 are still in serious condition, the health ministry said, with symptoms including kidney stones.
A fourth child was also reported dead by authorities in Xinjiang province but has not been added to the national figure.
The scandal stems from the practice of adding melamine to watered-down milk to give it the appearance of higher protein levels.
A host of countries -- Bangladesh, Brunei, Burundi, Japan, Gabon, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore and Tanzania -- have barred Chinese milk products or taken some other form of action to curb consumption.
Hong Kong's government said a three-year-old girl developed a kidney stone after drinking the tainted milk -- believed to be the first such case outside mainland China.
The girl has since left hospital and is in good condition, it added.
Major retailers in Hong Kong were emptying shelves of milk powder products from Nestle, plastic-bottled Dutch Lady milk, and canned Mr Brown coffee.
Many Hong Kong parents took the day off work Monday to have their children checked at a hospital but were told they had to wait up to three days because of the queue, local broadcaster Cable TV reported.
"It has become a crisis," said Gabriel Choi, a kidney specialist and former president of the Hong Kong Medical Association.
Swiss food giant Nestle said it was "confident" its products in China were safe and that none had been adulterated with melamine.
The Centre for Food Safety, a Hong Kong government body, said it had found melamine in a Nestle Dairy Farm pure milk sample from northeastern China.
Singapore has also found melamine in a Chinese-made milk candy, officials there said, while across China, supermarkets and shops have been pulling milk and a wide range of other dairy products off their shelves.
More than 80 percent of affected children are aged under two, the Chinese health ministry said.
The melamine scandal first came to light two weeks ago in state-controlled media, but some press reports say the scam had been going on for years.
Shigeru Omi, Western Pacific director for the UN World Health Organization, raised concerns the health risks were not reported earlier by China.
China has been hit by a wave of embarrassing scandals in recent years over dangerous products including food, drugs and toys, spoiling its manufacturing reputation.
Melamine was found in pet food containing Chinese ingredients that killed cats and dogs in the United States last year.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Codex Alimentarius

We have created this link as a useful resource on International standards:-
The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 by FAO and WHO to develop food standards, guidelines and related texts such as codes of practice under the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. The main purposes of this Programme are protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Food Safety Courses

The next courses have now been scheduled. These will now take place at our own training suite just off junction 4 of the M8. Due to its location, there is no requirement to navigate through any towns once on the motorway network. This is within a new build site and has been furnished to a high standard with excellent audio visual presentation facilities.

The forth coming course are:-

BRC Implementation 8th and 9th October
This is the BRC certificated 2 day Implementation course. The course covers the full standard requirements including:-
The Standards development
An in depth review of the standard
Interpretation and guidelines
The protocol and certification process
Report writing and management reporting
Interactive workshops and case studies
An optional examination to demonstrate competence in the standard and its application. An attendance certificate is also available.

A free copy of the BRC standard is now included. The course costs £650 plus VAT.

RIPH Certificated Intermediate HACCP 16th and 17th October
This is the RIPH registered and certificated course. Included is
A detailed understanding of the HACCP principles and 12 logical steps
Practical implementation of a HACCP plan
Course book Intermediate HACCP by Carol Wallace,
Rapid, supervised workshop activities
Assistance with implementation
Examination preparation
The course costs £450.00 plus VAT.

Courses that will be running shortly are Intermediate Food hygiene, Introductory HACCP and our Microbiology (including allergens) course.

Please let us know if any of the above is of interest, if you require any further information, or if you would like to book any places.

Directions to the new Outsource Solution Training Suite

Outsource Solution Ltd
Unit 3
Evans Easyspace
Easter Inch Industrial Park
Easter Inch

Friday, August 29, 2008

Outsource Solution Training Suite

Outsource Solution are pleased to announce the opening of their new training suite at Inch Industrial Estate, Bathgate.
The new facility is easily accessible for the whole of Scotland, located at junction 4 of the M8. Since this location is minutes from the M8 there is no need to travel through congested areas and cuts down on travel time.
The training centre is a new build unit which is comfortably furnished with first class audio visual facilities, Internet, photocopying etc. It is a single storey building with a pleasant outlook which creates a perfect training environment.

The first course will be running there in October.

We will list on this site all courses running, however, if you have any particular requests, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

BRC Issue 5 Training

How to Implement the Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 5

1st and 2nd September, Livingston Training Centre

Who should attend?
Production site Technical and Quality Managers
Internal auditors and management dealing with the implementation of the standard

Previous knowledge
A technical and working knowledge of quality management systems and the principles of hazard analysis is preferred with good foundation in industry experience.

Benefits to your organisation
Gain an in depth practical understanding of the Standard’s requirements
Formally develop and implement systems to comply with the Standards requirements
Gain internal auditing and report writing understanding
Understand the certification audit process

Course Content
The Standards development
In depth review of the Standard
Internal Auditing
Standard interpretation
The protocol and certification process
Interactive workshops with case studies

Email us by return if you would like any further information or wish to book a place
Kind regards
Duncan Perry

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Food Safety Courses

Dear All

Summer Courses

The next 2 courses scheduled are:-

Food Microbiology 24th July 2008
RIPH Intermediate HACCP 11th and 12th August 2008

The food microbiology course really helps you to understand your micro results. It gives you an understanding of which micro organisms are of concern, unacceptable levels and interpretation of results, sampling and testing protocols and much, much more.

The HACCP course gives you an up to date perspective of HACCP and helps with a real hands on understanding and implementation of the principles. It is fully certificated by RIPH, one of the best recognised certification bodies for this type of training.

If either of these courses is of interest send us an email by return.

Kind regards
Duncan Perry

Monday, June 02, 2008

HACCP, BRC and Microbiology Training

Don't miss the next food Microbiology and RIPH Intermediate HACCP course. These are running at the Livingston Training Centre in the central belt of Scotland.
The dates are

Food Microbiology 18th July
RIPH Intermediate HACCP 11th and 12th August

Other courses which will be scheduled shortly are detailed at the following link

The courses are practical and facillitate effective application of the principles and concepts. They also include workshops to guarantee the relevant knowledge transfer.

If you would like to book any places at the scheduled or soon to be scheduled courses, please let us know by email or phone:-

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Intermediate HACCP, BRC Implementation, Food Microbiology Courses

The next BRC Implementation Course will run on the 1st and 2nd of May. It will be running at the Livingston Training Centre from 0930 to 1700 each day. There will be a buffet lunch each day. There is a 1 hour exam at the end which is very straight forward but falls in line with their concept of shifting the emphasis from training to competency. The implementation course does cover the Internal Auditing sections as well as give a full update from issue 4 to 5.

The next RIPH Intermediate HACCP course is on the 8th and 9th of May at the Livingston Training Centre. It will be running from 0930 to 1700 each day and there will be a buffet lunch.
Each delegate receives a copy of the Carol Wallace Highfield Intermediate HACCP publication as well as other resource materials. The course has a number of workshops which provide good practical experience of HACCP implementation and there is a 2 hour exam at the end which is very similar to some of the workshops. This makes the exam a lot easier for delegates.

Finally we also have the Food Microbiology course running on the 16th May. This is a great course for understanding your micro results, what you should be testing, what to look out for from your laboratory and much more.

If you are interested in any of these courses, contact us on or 01506 631254.

Outsource Solution Ltd
M:0796 227 4446
P:01506 631254

Monday, February 25, 2008

BRC Issue 5

BRC Global Standard for Food Safety

The new BRC standard was published in January 2008 and comes into effect July 2008.

As an Approved Training Provider (ATP98), we can deliver BRC approved and certificated BRC Implementation Courses and BRC issue 4 to 5 update courses. Both require an assessment and are certificated on completion.

The Implementation course now also covers the Internal Auditing course.

If you require an issue 5 update and Internal audit training the Implementation should be you're preferred option, but a simple update is also available.

Contact us for more information on or visit our web site at

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

BRC Consultancy

BRC Consultancy

Outsource Solution Ltd provide a full range of consultancy and training services to guide companies through the process of becoming BRC certificated.

We are certification auditors for BRC also, therefore, are in a superior position to advise in order to achieve a successful outcome. In addition, Outsource Solution Ltd is a BRC Approved Training Provider and therefore effective at knowledge transfer.

Our main consultant, Duncan Perry, is a microbiologist with 19 years experience in the food industry. He audits BRC, SALSA and Organic schemes as well as being an approved trainer for BRC, RIPH and REHIS HACCP and hygiene training.

Outsource deliver a fast and efficient service which is, therefore, very cost effective.

If you want to ensure that you achieve the BRC standard at the highest grade possible, please contact us:-

Duncan Perry
Outsource Solution Ltd

Monday, January 21, 2008

BRC issue 5 implementation ELGIN

Implementing British Retail Consortium Food Issue 5, update from issue 4
(Formerly British Retail Consortium awareness and Internal Auditing)
2 day British Retail Consortium certificated course

18th and 19th March

Moray College in Elgin

The course is fully certificated by BRC. It will cover the old awareness and internal auditing as well as a technical up date on issue 5.

for more information email Duncan on or phone 01506631254.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Food Safety Training

Food Training

Implementing British Retail Consortium Food Issue 5, update from issue 4
(Formerly British Retail Consortium awareness and Internal Auditing)
2 day British Retail Consortium certificated course

21st & 22nd February 2008
18th &19th March 2008

RIPH Intermediate HACCP

2 day RIPH certificated course with a 2 hour exam.

5th & 6th March 2008

The courses will be held at the Livingston Training Centre, West Lothian, where a buffet lunch will be provided each day.

Polish REHIS Food Hygiene and HACCP training.
REHIS certificated Food hygiene and HACCP training is now available. The course is delivered by a Polish Food Science Graduate who has been approved by REHIS to deliver the course. The learning success is far superior to translated courses as the key learning points can be reaffirmed and questions more successfully answered. A variety of dates are available on request. The equivalent courses are run in English also.

Please contact us with your requirements.

Kind regards

Duncan Perry